I Left My Addicted Husband When you’re married to an addict, your whole life turns upside down. Chaos naturally accompanies the disease of addiction. What used to be a happy home can quickly take on the appearance of a circus – especially if your spouse is actively abusing drugs. There’s a wealth of information out there for

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Mental health support, Release My Super By Robert Rushford, Release My Super 1300 090 261. Mental Health requires compassionate, quick and expert help, which I didn’t see in Queensland’s Mental Health Access Line. My advice is not to have a mental health issue in Queensland as the State Government’s Mental Health Access Line may not be

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By Robert Rushford, Release My Super 1300 090 261 Australians now have the option to access their superannuation early for drug and alcohol rehab. At Lanna Rehab, we understand that by the time people are in the right headspace to attend rehab, they aren’t always financially able to. With this in mind, we are pleased

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By Robert Rushford, Release My Super 1300 090 261Substance Abuse is out of control.If you or someone you know has a problem with drugs or alcohol, then drug and alcohol rehabilitation can be accessed by releasing superannuation savings.What is drug and alcohol rehabilitation?Drug and alcohol rehabilitation helps people improve the way they live their lives

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Methadone is seen as part of the treatment process for those trying to beat heroin addiction. While it can help many it must be known that this opiate can also bring a whole new set of addiction problems into the equation. What is methadone? It is a synthetic opiate used for pain relief. One of

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OxyContin is used legally as a prescribed drug and illegally by recreational users seeking the highs this powerful pain reliever offers. There are certainly valid reasons for its use, but it must also be noted that this drug has caused extensive damage to those using and abusing it. What is it? Introduced to the market

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The specter of drugs testing at your place of employment is a worrying cloud many recreational drug users live under. To add to the concern there has also been a noticeable increase in the use of drug testing kits used by law enforcement officers. So, let’s have a look at some well-established guidelines on drug

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If alcohol or drugs currently have the better of you it is imperative that professional rehabilitation assistance is sought. The longer a person ignores their dependence the deeper the problems will become. A difficult decision to make: Being dependent upon a substance means that a person relies on it to help them get through the

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